Friday 3 January 2014


Durian is perhaps the best known fruit controversial, loved and hated pieces in the soul at the same time . For those who could not stand the smell or taste of the fruit , how disgusting pungent as smelly as the gas outlet from the furnace , a gruesome attack on his mouth like rotten meat pasty or described they also crap ( sorry , but people went to this devil's end in the description) . But people who are passionate about the fruit lovingly as extraordinary fruit that you can find on earth , considered and are of the opinion that the meat has a rich heavenly taste, has a great depth that puts you on a high dependency . These diehard fans of Durian would do anything to find the best durian, regardless of where it might be , or how much it might cost .

Singaporeans need no introduction to tropical Southeast Asia exotic fruit that carries awarded by tropical fruits of Asians has always been the title of King . According to a source Wiki , his name durian comes from the Malay word duri ( thorn ) and the suffix -an ( for building a name in Malay ) . The smell of the fruit is indescribable - strong, definitely not fruity ( like what we usually see , fruity) cover and its most unusual and outrageous aspect with green forest , sharp tips of his skin completely . His flesh like butter yellow - cream , creamy and very sweet taste , and sometimes carries a hint of bitter alcohol taste. The durian tree takes 7-10 years to bear fruit from a seed , but with marcotted plants and grafted , the waiting time is significantly reduced to 3-4 years.

This fruit has become synonymous with the identity of Singapore. Around 1,000 tonnes from Malaysia every year imported. Fruit species include D2, D24 , D13 , D17 , D18 , XO , TenTen , and the list goes on . It has been said that a good , ripe durian have these attributes - are oval , light green skin , spines, lobes , seeds move easily when the fruit is shaken , and give a strong aroma pleasing to the base of the fruit. One that should be rounded Never choose , has a fragile stalk , yellowish shell, and damaged spines. In Singapore, this fruit has its way in the production of many foods , including hot, made ​​cakes, pancakes , wraps, cookies, ice cream , desserts , cakes, moon , etc.

If this fruit is new to you and read what makes you feel suspicious or fearful, my advice would be - just go for it , if you never try , you never know !

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